Squadron Crest 722 (Chivenor) Squadron RAF Air Cadets RAFAC Logo
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Adventure Training
Ground Training

There are many opportunities to take part in Sport within the RAF Air Cadets including:

Camp Craft
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Before a cadet can take part in expeditions, it is essential that they understand how to set up and run an effective campsite.

This involves being proficient in setting up a range of tents and/or bivouacs, camp cooking using NATO rations and hexamine stoves; plus knowing how to strike camp properly, whereby all evidence of the campsite it removed (except maybe for a few patches of flattened grass).

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Cadets are encouraged to take part in expeditions as a part of their ATC training to develop independence and a sense of adventure. These expeditions usually last 2-3 days, including at least 1 night in canvas accommodation

Cadets are advised and assisted with the initial planning of the route, including the distances, times, and waypoints for the route in question which are all filled out on a route card.

The group packs and carries all of its own equipment for the duration of the expedition as it follows its route around the various waypoints. Supervising staff rendezvous with the group at various points on the route, to ensure there are no problems and to provide water refills and medical treatment where neccesary.

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The skill of navigation is heavily relied upon within the ATC, whether it is air navigation when flying an aircraft, or ground navigation when on an expedition.

Orienteering is the skill of navigating on the ground, and is taught within the ATC both theoretically as part of the training syllabus, and practically through navigation exercises and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme expeditions.